런던 영광교회 어린이 사역
Children's Ministry
2004년 런던선교대회를 시작으로 하여 제 1회 런던 어린이 여름 성경학교를 시작으로
주중 어린이 성경공부와 함께 어린이 사역과 다음세대 양육에 사명을 갖고
지금까지 런던의 여러 교회들과 연합하여 어린이들을 양육해 왔습니다.
어린이들과 청소년을 포함하여 전 성도를 대상으로 순수 복음과 말씀 양육을 과제로 삼고 있으며,
영국 런던의 한인 디아스포라를 순수 복음으로 양육함으로 세계 선교의 발판을 다지고
영국 내 교회의 부흥을 위해 소명을 다하고자 하는 교회입니다.
At London Glory Church, we are dedicated to nurturing
the next generation in the pure gospel and word of God.
Our children's ministry has been an integral part of our
church since its establishment in 1992.
Children's Bible Study
Our children's bible study program is designed to help kids grow in their understanding of the Bible and develop a strong faith foundation. Through engaging lessons and activities, we aim to equip children with the knowledge and values they need to navigate life with confidence.
London Children's Bible School
During the summer, we host the London Children's Bible School, where kids can immerse themselves in fun and educational activities centered around biblical teachings. It's a great opportunity for children to learn, make new friends, and grow spiritually.
Youth Ministry
Our youth ministry is focused on guiding teenagers through their faith journey and helping them develop a personal relationship with God. We provide a supportive environment where young individuals can explore their beliefs and values.